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Why we need others to succeed

Why we need others to succeed

Success is a team sport. When we start our businesses with like minded people, we drastically increase our chances of success. Learn more.


I’ve been in Tokyo this week, and one of the highlights was hanging out with some members of the online business and entrepreneurship community, SFM.


Communities are probably one of the most underrated as aspects of business success.


We’ve often heard that “entrepreneurship is a lonely journey”, that it’s “lonely at the top”…


It doesn’t need to be.


In fact, I would credit the community with many aspects of my success, as I’m sure will everyone in the photo above.


We are all brought together by what we shared in common.


Our desires to start businesses that we can run from anywhere we have an internet connection.


I used to be a corporate lawyer, and now I work from home.


Greg & Fiona, whom you see in the pictures, were a successful IT project manager, and accountant, respectively, and now travel the world, running their businesses from whichever part of the world they’re at.  Jay now works from home, helps his wife out in her business, and is there for his teenage son in his formative years.


Despite our similar desires to start online businesses, and escape the rat race, success looks very different for everyone.


And yet, we have all helped each other on the route to our own, and each other’s success.


The power of a community often lies in diversity.


And while people are brought together by commonalities, we are often torn apart by our differences.  


Yet, it is these different view points that we all bring, from our own unique experiences of our own pasts, that makes the community strong.


The moment we learn to recognize that, we can start to understand the views of others, and instead of making us defensive, we will learn from all the different views around us.


You might be wondering what you can you contribute if you joined a community like this.


The answer is you, your views, your past, any imperfections you might have.


Jay said that English isn’t his first language, and now often inspires people who don’t speak English natively, that it’s possible to start online businesses.


When I first started online, everyone who was successful were young, good looking, and there weren’t many Asians.  I could have seen that as an imperfection, just like Jay could have seen English as an imperfection.  But that “imperfection” has shown many middle aged Asians that it is possible for them to start


And besides Jay inspiring others, I learnt more about Japanese culture and the language from Jay while we were hanging out that from all the first few days hanging out without a Japanese “mentor”.


While planning the trip, I watched the Youtube videos, Googled it, read the articles, but as we’ve seen in time and again in the community, there’s nothing like learning from someone who’s actually successful at what you want to learn.


And for Jay, knowing Japanese culture, and language is something that’s second nature to him, and yet, is so valuable to someone who doesn’t know them, and wants to know them, like me.


There’s so much power in the community…  


… From the diversity of view points, showing us things we wouldn’t be able to see on our own…


… To embracing our imperfections, so they can be inspiring for someone else…


… To sharing what seems ordinary to us, and mentoring someone else so their learning becomes so much easier and quicker…


So, if you’re not fully plugged into the community, you’re missing out on one of the key strengths of the SFM.  Plug in today!


Thank God I found a community like this!


Your entrepreneurship journey doesn’t need to be lonely.




* This is a genuine Business Tools & Training opportunity so no false promises.  This is not a get rich quick scheme, and so you need to put in the work to get the results.  Individual results will vary depending on the effort you put in. Please read the full Earnings Disclaimer at the bottom of this page.


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