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More Lessons, More Blessings

More Lessons, More Blessings

Everytime you face headwinds, you’re learning lessons that will set you up for the next level of your success. Remember, more lessons, more blessings!


I was speaking to a couple of my students earlier, and a common theme came up.


They had both been running successfully for some time now, but their businesses started facing headwinds.  Things were no longer running as smoothly as they had become accustomed to.


And in any business, that’s completely normal.


Business environments change.


The thing we need to remember is that every time we overcome these headwinds, we grow in our knowledge, skills and confidence.


This was something that I personally experienced and shared with them.


And so, I thought I’d share this with you too.


I started learning to run an online business, and I replaced my corporate lawyer’s income within 6 months.


The next 12 months were completely smooth sailing, where I made multiple 6 figures.


The reason I could replace my income that quickly was because I was using the tools that were provided by the online business course that I started with.


However, I had big goals and was pushing my marketing – hard.


I experimented, and was pushing the systems way beyond what they were meant to be – a simple to use, simple to set up system for the person just starting at online marketing.


And then I noticed things starting to go wrong.


It took learning new things and lots more work to fix it.  “Fix” might be an understatement, as I had to rebuild quite a few things.  But I did it.  And once I did, it gave me the confidence and knowledge to take my business to a next new level.


I’ve since launched several other online businesses, and I do that with confidence with the lessons that I got from having had to do that rebuild.


What I’ve noticed, both from running my own online business, and from watching students grow from the sidelines is this…


More lessons, more blessings.


Everytime someone faces a head wind and emerges, they come out the better for it. 


They’ve learnt something that’ll help them in their business. 


They’ll have grown in confidence, and even stature, from having made it through that lesson.


Mostly, they’ll have grown as individuals.


When you’re starting, the last thing you might want to do is to face these headwinds on your own.


And that’s why it’s so important to learn from our mentors and community.


Everyone here has made it through, some more lessons than others, and therefore, more rewards than others.


But I’d not be telling you the truth if I said that because of all of this, you won’t face challenges.  You will.


Why do you think it took me 6 months to make money, instead of 1?


… Many lessons in those 6 months 🤓


All of which you can benefit from when you decide to work with us!




* This is a genuine Business Tools & Training opportunity so no false promises.  This is not a get rich quick scheme, and so you need to put in the work to get the results.  Individual results will vary depending on the effort you put in. Please read the full Earnings Disclaimer at the bottom of this page.


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