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Are You Waiting For Your Big Break?

Are You Waiting For Your Big Break?

Many people aren’t fully content with their lives. They’re waiting for their ‘big break’ – but what are they doing to get that ‘big break’?

Do you want something more from life?  Are you still waiting for your big break?

Well, the next question is this – are you doing everything to can to get it?

Big breaks don’t just happen, big breaks happen to people who are looking for these breaks and taking action to get them.

If you want something you’ve never had before, you need to do something you’ve never done before.

You know the old saying – insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

All of us have it in us to move to a better life, a life where we can do the things that are important to us. But we need to take action – we need to take hold of that life.

The big break will never come to you, if you’re just waiting for it.

We need to learn to live our lives according to our destinies, we need to start living life on purpose, with a purpose, and FOR a purpose.

If your purpose is just to get the bills paid, your purpose is too small. What bigger purpose is being given up to pay the bills? Time with your spouse? Time with your kids? Time with your aging parents?

That time’s never going to come back to you, or to them.

Now I’m not advocating not paying your bills. But if your purpose is being enough – you’ll find a way to get those bills paid.

Greatest gift man has is free will. That means that we have the right to make choices.

Seize the day. Get up and take your life back.

If you’re wondering if you have permission to make that choice, know this – the greatest gift man has is free will.  That means that we have the right to make choices.  The choice to start getting our lives back today.

The only question is — will you choose to seize the day?

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