Whose wall is your ladder on? – A Goal Setting primer

Whose wall is your ladder on? I hope it’s yours. One of the keys to Goal Setting is know which wall you’re going to climb.
In my last post on goal setting, a couple of days ago, I asked you to visualize your ideal day.
Some of you shared this with me. And we had a great time masterminding, and helping you achieve your ideal day. As those of you who have gotten in touch have seen, getting to your ideal day is entirely within your reach. Yes, there’s work involved, but it’s simple. It’s not easy, but it’s simple.
Climb ONLY your ladder
Now, another reason I asked you to visualize your ideal day, is so that you make sure your ladder is on the right wall. I don’t know if this is a saying from where you come from, as we have members from all over the world, but before you start climbing that ladder, you’ve got to make sure that it’s on the correct wall, otherwise all that climbing is going to be wasted effort.
Your ideal day is that wall that you should be climbing. Not another wall. And certainly not someone else’s wall. As employees, that last one is something that we get quite accustomed to.
Your goals must be what YOU want to achieve. That way, everything (for example, your visualization, and motivation) lines up to make sure that you get to where YOU want to go. This is key to effective goal setting.
And really this is the toughest part in goal setting. Setting it right, and doing that right from the start.
Getting on that first step…
Now, once we get here, the next thing is to focus on getting up the first step of that ladder. You’re not going to be able to see the top of the wall yet from that first step, but you need to take that first step, and believe that the ladder will get you to the top of that wall.
This is where is see a lot of people getting frustrated. They bite off a lot more than they can chew, or have unrealistic expectations about the first few steps.
So, within the goal, are the tasks and steps that need to be done. In the next installment, we will cover how to set the steps and tasks, and how we make sure we get that done.
If you’ve not yet shared your ideal day with me, email me or schedule a call with me. I’ll show you how you too, can be living your ideal day.
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