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Passive Income – The Key To Retirement

Passive Income – The Key To Retirement

Passive income is the key to being able to retire comfortably and do the things you want. But is earning a decent passive income really possible. Learn how.

“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”

Warren Buffett

That famous quote by Warren Buffet pretty much sums it up – having passive income is the keys to being able to retire comfortably.

Common models of earning passive income

The usual routes to passive income were stocks and shares, life insurance or annuities, and property.

The challenge for many is despite trying their best to build a passive income base, many never get anywhere doing that.

You commonly ear of people who lose money in stocks and shares, life insurance doesn’t really give very attractive returns.

Singapore is extremely land scarce and real estate prices invariably rise due to the land scarcity. Imagine 719 square kilometers (277 square miles) of land with a population of 5.5 million, and a per capita GDP of over USD50,000, means that property prices will go up, and so, I did make some very good money with real estate investments.

While that may be the case, profitable property play in Singapore relies largely on a capital gains strategy and not a positive cash-flow strategy, just because everyone is buying property with a view to capital gains which puts a surplus of rental properties on the market.

That very phenomenon makes unwinding from a property investment difficult as well.

I was blessed to have a good job as a corporate lawyer that paid a multiple six figure salary. Having a salary that size meant that I had high expenses, and simply didn’t have a huge amount to invest. Furthermore, I would want the same comforts in retirement that I had become accustomed to. Retirement would be meaningless if I slogged for 40 years and then had to slum out my retirement years.

I knew I needed to do something that would give me better returns, but without a much higher risk, but couldn’t figure out what.

An alternative model of passive income

One evening, while googling “how to sell guitars online” because my wife wanted me to “thin the herd” of guitars, I came across a business model. It didn’t cost a lot to start learning this, so I thought I’d give it a shot. Within 6 months of that day, I had replaced my corporate lawyer’s paycheck, and within a year of that, created a multiple six figure business. The beauty of that isn’t in the figures, but that as I build this, a large portion of my income is passive, and the passive income portion keeps growing.

While I have various income streams, this model is by far the most profitable.

I’ve been teaching this same business model to people who want to achieve the same thing as me. One of the most common questions I get asked is why I teach this if it works so well. And the simple reason is that my own reach is limited. I can’t reach the whole world on my own, and by helping you succeed, we can have a win-win arrangement where your success helps to build mine as well.

Some of our students are fresh out of college, and don’t want to end up working for 20 years before deciding to do something more meaningful with their lives. Others are like me, successful and frustrated, and some others have tried many things but have yet to be successful.

What they all have in common, is a burning desire to do the things that are truly meaningful in life.

If that’s you, I’ll share my exact business blueprint with you. Just click here to begin. And if you have any questions at all, just send me a message, I’m here to help.

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