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Live In Truth – and live totally free!

Live In Truth – and live totally free!

To live in truth is requires us to do the right thing at the right time and be fully authentic in all our dealings. To live in truth gives us total freedom.

What does in mean to ‘live in truth’?

It’s probably easier to explain this way.

Let me paint you a scenario.  Many of us walk around burdened by something that we know we need to deal with. And yet we don’t deal with it. Typically, it is because what we need to deal with is uncomfortable. If it’s a person that we need to deal with, it is because we fear how the person would react, or if it’s a situation, then we fear a worse outcome than that of not dealing with the situation at all.

In short, because of this, many of us just do not live in truth.

To live in truth, means that we live lives that are truthful and authentic. If we do not deal with the things that we need to in a timely way, we do not live in truth – we are not living OUR truth. Worse than that, we are preventing people around us from living in truth – we end up stopping them from living THEIR truth.

A situation where I didn’t live in truth

I was in a situation not long ago, where I did not want to disappoint a potential business partner. Since I have become successful at online marketing in a very short space of time, I am constantly approached by many people to partner up for numerous businesses. There are many businesses that have potential and many that don’t.

It’s usually fairly easy to say “I’m sorry, I just don’t think this fits into my business plans at this point in time”, but with someone with whom I treasured a friendship, it was not so easy.  In this case, the person proposing the partnership, was not just a business associate, but a close friend, who goes back years with me, someone who was literally there when my kids with baptized.

So, I put it off. And I put it off. I didn’t want to deal with the matter, and consequently did not live in truth. I also allowed him to be hopeful about a partnership, and consequently, didn’t give him what he needed to live in truth.

How to live in truth

What I learnt from that experience is that we need to make the decision (1) to do the right thing, and (2) to do it at the right time.

I did eventually tell him, and so I did the right thing, but at the wrong time. I should have done that, when I first realized that it wasn’t a fit.

I’m glad to say that he has gone on to get his business funded by venture capital, something that probably would not have happened with a pesky lawyer (me) in tow. Having practiced corporate law for 20 years, it’s hard to fight the reflex to challenge the venture capitalist head on, and yet that may not be the best thing for a startup company.

I was afraid that the truth would ruin our friendship, but in truth (pun fully intended), the truth can only ever set you and the people around you, free.

So, live in truth.  You may need to make a decision that you’re not used to making, but start living your truth today.

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