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Know, Like, Trust: Get LIKED – My Top 10 Tips

Know, Like, Trust: Get LIKED – My Top 10 Tips

In our continuing series on Affiliate Marketing, we look further into the factors that cause people to Know, Like, Trust you

In an earlier blog on building your tribe, we spoke about getting your tribe to “know, like, trust” you. Last week, we looked at how to get people to Know you.

As we’ve said, “know, like, trust” is something sales people have known for years. But to those of us new to sales, particularly online sales, this can be something of a revelation.

Continuing this week on “know, like, trust”, we look at how to get people to Like you.

10 immediate steps to make people like you online

Imagine if you will, two people with the same thing at the same price. That’s the life of an Affiliate Marketer, isn’t it?

One comes across as not very likable, or just somewhat boring. The other is grabs your interest with his wit, charm, and just makes you feel good. Now, who are you going to buy from?

So you’re thinking to yourself, what if I don’t have a face that’s likable or I just don’t come across as a particularly charming person? I get that question a lot. And there’s 2 answers. First, there’s many channels people can get to know you through, from YouTube, to Blogging. So, those don’t really matter.

Second, and this is the trick that the most successful bloggers have known all along – you build your likability over time, by nurturing the online relationship, the same way you would nurture any other relationship. By keeping in touch, and being open.

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Having said that, here are my top ten tips to getting Liked:

All of my top 10 tips are available for you, at the Six Figure Mentors.  These easy to use, done for you modules will have you known to your audience in no time.  For the first time EVER, the Six Figure Mentors are letting you try before you buy. You can try it out FREE here.  You’ll get click-by-click training to set up your system, as well as coaching and mentorship to start your online business or to take your business the next level.

  1. Be yourself – be your authentic and express your unique voice – your content should express you. Don’t try to be someone else. As in life, as online, you can fake it, but it’ll be hard to get liked.
  2. Be human – Many people who come to online marketing from Corporates are used to hiding behind the Corporate veil. But you need to come across as a human. It’s hard for people to like a dull, faceless company. People like people. That’s just nature. You’ll be better liked if you share your stories and get personal.
  3. Be nice – duh. One would have thought this would go without saying. Goes to show what human kind can descend to online. Don’t flame. Be helpful and generous with your advice, and lead with value.
  4. Be conversational – have a chat, so to speak. No one likes to be spoken to. People like to be involved in a conversation. Ask your audience to engage by inviting comments, and asking questions. Just have fun!
  5. Be relevant – listen to what your audience is telling you. They can be telling you something, but not saying anything – if you know what I mean… Understand what challenges your audience is facing, and address those issues. Share those on your blogs or broadcasts.
  6. Get in your face – Put a picture on your social media profile, and tell your story on your about page. As I’ve said several times in this post, people like people, not some remote idea, or concept, no matter how good that is.
  7. Get in the flesh – share who you are – you’re blog tells people a lot about what you think, and having that picture helps them put a face to the name. But taking it to the next level, video allows you to engage as if you are in the flesh. And that goes a long way towards your likability. Facebook Live, Google+ hangouts, and YouTube allow people to see the real you.
  8. Get balanced – find the right balance between engagement and selling. People hate to be pitched to. So strike that balance of 95% relationship building to 5% selling.
  9. Be generous – Share your content and promote other people first. As with life, you’ll need to take the lead and give of yourself first, if you want people to like you.
  10. Social proof – Remember in school, when everyone wanted to hang out with the cool kids. Same thing here. Show your tweets and shares. The more people like you, the more people will like you.

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For the first time EVER, the Six Figure Mentors are letting you try before you buy. You can try it out FREE here.  You’ll get click-by-click training to set up your system, as well as coaching and mentorship to start your online business or to take your business the next level.

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