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Decide to close the door on your past

Decide to close the door on your past

Decide to close the door on your past, and focus on your future success. You will find a clarity and focus that will make your success effortless.

When we were growing up, my parents used to tell my sister and I that we ought to keep our options open.

What that meant in that context was that we ought to take the courses in school that would allow us the maximum flexibility to choose the careers that we would want.

We grew up in a family of lawyers, and what eventually happened was that both my sister and I became lawyers. I did that for 20 years before leaving to find my fortune in the “wild wild web”, and my sister has worked in law has for almost that long by now, and continues to do so.

As children, we’re often told that we do not know what we want yet, and so defer decisions. While that may be wise advice for children, many of us carry that lesson into adulthood.

Even as adults who know what we want, continue to remember that lesson to “keep our options open” by not deciding, almost afraid of what might happen if we make a choice.

Forced to choose, we choose to maintain the status quo, and not rock the boat…

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that if you’re status quo is what you are happy with.

The thing is, while most people choose to maintain the status quo, they also choose to complain about it.

If you find yourself doing that, finding your current position a torture, and constantly complaining about it, perhaps it’s time to close the door to the status quo. Perhaps it’s time to make that choice, rather than keep your options open.

I’m often asked what happened in the days and weeks that led to my online business breakthrough. And the answer is that I closed the door to going back to lawyering.

At that point, I hadn’t made any money online. And my mindset was still, “I’ll go back to being a lawyer if this doesn’t work”. After all, I had spent 20 years building my reputation as a good corporate lawyer! While I had left my lawyer’s job, I still left a little crack open, I wasn’t prepared to fully close the door on that.

But the moment I fully closed the door, everything changed…

My mind was clear that I needed to do what I needed to succeed at this business. Everything came into sharper, clearer focus.

Don’t keep living unhappily because you’re afraid to make a choice.

Close the door to unhappiness.

Once you take that leap over to this end, you’ll meet hundreds of like minded people who have made choices to lead a happier more fulfilled life.

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