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What our team hangouts just taught me about fear of failure

What our team hangouts just taught me about fear of failure

I thought I had overcome my fear of failure, but it was a simple task of uploading one of the recordings of our team hangouts that really illustrated how fear of failure can really hold us back from our true potential

In the last number of months, I’ve always taken a few days to upload recordings of our weekly team hangouts.

What are team hangouts?

Team hangouts online hangouts where we get together as a team, shoot the breeze, and share the challenges we are facing with our online business, and I offer solutions from my own experience as someone who’s built an online business not so long ago.  Some of my students have called it a “safe environment” for students to “ask questions… and solve our issues”.

Not to brag, but I did start my online business from scratch after 20 years of being a corporate lawyer, and replaced my income within 6 months of that. So, I do know something that can be helpful to a person wanting to start their business from scratch as well. *

* This is a genuine Business Tools & Training opportunity so no false promises.  This is not a get rich quick scheme, and so you need to put in the work to get the results.  Individual results will vary depending on the effort you put in. Please read the full Earnings Disclaimer at the bottom of this page.

Anyway, back to the hangouts…

As I was saying at the start, in the last few months, I’ve taken a couple of days to upload these recordings.  These hangouts are on Friday mornings in Singapore, and in my mind, typically mark the end of the work week for me. I go for a long lunch and then “chill out” the rest of the afternoon. Afterall, I did was in the “hot seat” answering questions in the morning, so I’ve earned it, right?

Last Friday, I told myself to be more prompt with uploading the replays. Being a soloprenuer, I worried about being able to keep up with the schedule, afterall, I didn’t want let the team down, by starting and not being able to maintain my promptness.

It was then that I realized that I was letting my fear of failure hold me back again.

Right at the start of me starting my business, one of my coaches, Justin Wolf, told me that I needed to give myself permission to fail. As a corporate lawyer, one of the biggest worries is getting something wrong, because that means liability for your client and then yourself. In that sense, corporate lawyers tend to have it worse than other forms of legal practice, as your mistakes may not be discovered for years, and litigators (court lawyers) also have privilege and slightly more protection than corporate lawyers.

(Justin taught me quite a number of other things, and an excerpt of an interview we had for other students can be found here, although that particular lesson isn’t in this video.)

So, I lived in constant fear of making mistakes, and quite frankly, my business setup was going in circles…

Having now run my business for a couple of years, I thought that I had that “down”.

As all entrepreneurs know, our lives are about constantly learning and moving forward, and sometimes that means reminding ourselves of old lessons.

You see, fear of failure had again caused me not to want to try…

In the case of uploading the hangout replays on time, I worried about not being able to keep up in the future, or being able to take my lazy afternoon half an hour earlier.  And worry is just a waste of time and energy.  As you can see from the picture, I uploaded the video at 4.07pm, when the hangout ended, and the video was ready before lunch!

The moment I gave myself permission to fail, and upload the recordings late every now and then, the burden of starting to put up that recording in a timely manner faded away instantly.

And so I did.

In any case, failure is a way of learning what we need to improve on, on our road to excelling, which is a topic I’ve blogged about alot, and beyond the scope of this article.

If you’ve ever wanted to start a business, but were afraid to do so because of some past failure, give yourself the permission to fail instead of worrying if you will.

There are of course other ways to learn besides “failing your way forward”, such as working with mentors. And very few things give me greater satisfaction than working with motivated people who want to succeed, and helping them reach the success that they’ve only dreamt of.

So, if you’d like to work with me to your online business, submit your application today.

* This is a genuine Business Tools & Training opportunity so no false promises.  This is not a get rich quick scheme, and so you need to put in the work to get the results.  Individual results will vary depending on the effort you put in. Please read the full Earnings Disclaimer at the bottom of this page.

*DISCLAIMER – What sets us apart from other online business opportunities is our world class system and methods, as well as our integrity – so we want you to know exactly where you stand. Note that individual results will vary. No results are guaranteed with the help of our training and business systems. All the products and services we provide are for educational and information purposes only. While our member testimonials of success are verifiable, this does not mean you will get the same results. There are those who will not earn any money at all with our program, because individual results will depend on your determination, hard work, and ability to follow directions.

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