Passive Income: Possible Without MLM?
It is possible to generate passive income in an online business that is not multi-level marketing (MLM), but using a multiple income stream blueprint – you just need to plant now, so that you can keep harvesting for years to come
One of the most common questions I get asked is this – since SFM claims to give you passive income, is SFM multi-level marketing or MLM. The short answer is that it is not, because you get all the commissions you earn as well as with the exception of DEA Black Marketing Partners who get second tier income, no one gets over-ride on someone else’s sales.
How then does one generate passive income?
Quite simply by having a long sales funnel with good automated followups that will continue to make you sales years into the future, and a subscription model.
A really good example of this came up in this month’s Visionary Call hosted by SFM and DEA founders Stuart and Jay. Lee & Tami are SFM affiliates who has stopped marketing since 2014. The picture on the right is of their blog – the last post 25 Mar 2015, the post before that 23 Mar 2014. In the post of 25 Mar 2015, they still made a record earning despite not marketing for over a year.
Fast forward to January 2017. Surely that passive income must have dropped by now. Well let’s see. Let’s take a look at a screen capture from the January 2017, SFM Founders Visionary Call. if you look at this picture, it shows the earnings of the highest earners in the last quarter for each category of members. Groups A to C are for people at various stages of starting out. Group D are for people who are experienced online marketers, and there is no cap on revenue in Group D.
Look at the red circle – that’s Lee & Tami. After all these years, the passive income still continues to flow, and they are still third in income in the company in the previous quarter, without any marketing or having to coach anyone, for years!
Start planting with our risk free trial today, and you can keep harvesting passive income for years to come.
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