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What a 2 year old online business looks like

What a 2 year old online business looks like

Look beyond your current situation, and see what lies in your future. It may be difficult to visualize clearly, so this writer shares what is possible in just 2 years, from starting his online business from scratch. If he can do this, you can too. Learn more.

I always remember Valentine’s Day.

It was over dinner on Valentines’ Day 2016 that I promised my wife I would sell some of my guitars.  More about that later…

That was one of the defining moments of my life.

You see, I had to go online to search for “how to sell guitars online”, because up till then, I had never sold a thing in my life!

I came across an advertisement saying it will teach me to sell anything online.  It cost $29.95.  I signed up, and diligently took the course.  Within 6 months of that, I managed to quit my 6 figure lawyering job and fully replace my income.

This Valentines’ Day is the second anniversary of the day I signed up for the course.  2 years on, I work 2 full days and 2 half days a week, and make more money than I ever did as a lawyer… and did I mention that I took a couple of full months off last year as well?

I say this not to brag, but to show you what is possible with an online business, for anyone who is willing to learn how to do it, and to put in the work.

I learnt everything I needed to learn about an online business from this course.  Before I signed up, I had been a corporate lawyer for 20 years – 1996-2016!  Having been Head of Legal in some of Singapore’s top listed companies, and most prestigious Government agencies meant that never had any revenue responsibility, and was pretty spoilt when it came to people doing my technology work for me (read terribly spoilt, even dictated email replies!)

Selling a guitar online, or setting up a website, or even sending out an email may have been a challenge for me!

Who would have thought 2 years on, I would be running a successful online business…

… and teaching hundreds of people all around the world how to do the same!

The greatest benefit of this, is the time and financial freedom that it affords me, and it frustrates me no end when people’s beliefs prevent them from trying this out.

As I always say – don’t look at me as inspiration, but as evidence of what is possible for you.  Submit your application today.

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